Bitcoin is a virtual currency that was first introduced in 2008. by Satoshi Nakamoto. It is distributed in a decentralized network, ie. is not managed by a central bank, as conventional currencies, but only by its own consumers. Everyone has access to the open source code of the protocol, and its protection is ensured that in order to maintain the Battle Network, everyone must adopt the same rules.

How does the Battle Network work and what is Bitcoine digging?

The launch of new battles in circulation is called mining. Because people are sending the crypto-wave to one another, one has to keep track of the correctness of the exchange, which is the work of the Bitcoin diggers. By computing power, the authenticity of the transactions is authenticated, then entered into the "accounting book" of the battlefield, etc. block-chain. In return, the diggers receive battle, which effectively increases the supply of cryptoLight. The system operates in such a way that the amount of new battles in circulation decreases over time and never exceeds 21 million. This in turn protects against inflation and devaluation of the currency, unlike ordinary money that can be printed unguarded.

For what and why should I use Bitcoin?

Bitcoin can be used as a payment tool from anywhere in the world, without intermediaries and instantly. Each transaction is irreversible, which protects against fraud, for example, common with credit cards, and your personal information is unattainable. This is also due to the fact that more and more businesses in the country and abroad accept payments via crypto-data. Bitcoin is also a great tool for international money transfer as high bank charges for this type of operation are avoided, especially when two currency exchanges are included. The trend of price growth, the decentralized system, as well as the "immunization" of inflation, make Bitcoin an appetite as an investment alternative and is often compared to gold.

Are there risks?

Bitcoin has a volatile price. This means that the value of your asset can both decrease and increase in a short amount of time. The trend of creating Bitcoin is for a steady rise in price, as well as a frequent change - a sharp increase followed by a negative correction and a rise in price in the long run. Unfortunately, no one can predict whether this trend will continue in the future, so Bitcoin is considered a risky investment, but the potential of the crypto-wave is enormous.

How does the Bitcoinprice affect?

Bitcoin Price is influenced by the demand and supply of cryptoLight, which in turn depend on a variety of factors. Broadly speaking, the optimistic views of Bitcoin's distribution and usability have a positive effect on the price and vice versa. As Bitcoin is "immune" from inflation, due to the controlled Battlefield digging and the limit of their final circulation, it is believed that the price will continue to grow in the future if demand does not drop dramatically.
At this point, the cryptoLight is becoming more and more interested, and for this reason, it is expected that Bitcoin will continue to rise in the future. Growth is due to the high popularity of CryptoLight, especially in Asia, the adoption and legal tender in various countries led by Japan, the recognition of the potential of block technology by highly recognized financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs and consultancy companies such as Ernst & Young, as well and the growing number of companies receiving payments with Bitkine and rising finite starters.

Is Battle Money Money?

Bitcoin is not secured with the so-called gold standard or some other valuable metal, but ultimately the dollar is not. At the same time, in order for Bitcoin to be accepted as a currency, it must serve as a means of exchange, a stock of value and a unit of account. Bitcoin is already accepted by a number of businesses as a method of payment, and because of its deflationary nature it is often compared to gold, therefore the crypto-layer covers already two-thirds of the conditions. With the increase in popularity and interest in crypto data, we can see in the future the use of Bitcoin Knight as a unit of measure for various goods and services.

However, Bitcoin responds to almost all the characteristics that determine the money:

AcceptabilityBitcoin is increasingly accepted as a payment method by people and companies. His popularity has led to crypto-literacy being accepted as a legal payment tool in Japan, and countries such as Australia and India may soon follow.
RarityBitcoin is relatively rare - there is a limit of 21 million in order not to lose its value.
Uniformity - all Battles are equal and equal to each other. No one can tell one BitKnight from another.
Recognition - Everyone can easily distinguish Bitkine from other cryptoLooks.
Divisibility - Each Bitcoin can be divided into smaller parts - satoshi. 100,000,000 Satoshi = 1 BattleKnight
Portability - People can carry the money with themselves and easily exchange them with others.
Endurance - Once a Bitcoin is put into circulation, it will exist indefinitely in the system and can not disappear at any given time.
Security - The Bitcoin Network is designed to protect transactions from theft, falsification, and changes in their information.
The main difference with "ordinary money" comes from the fact that the abovementioned characteristics are supported by mathematically valid methods, algorithms and protocols.

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